Archive for the ‘Minor Links’ Category

The Minor Links

With the 2009 season growing smaller and smaller in the rear view mirror, I figured I’d highlight  three or four quality items that appeared in my Google Reader in the last few days:

Porter’s Prospect Report posted some thoughts on the the Mesa Solar Sox, an Arizona Fall League team that includes, among others, Red Sox prospects.  The Holy Trinity of Josh Reddick, Jacoby Ellsbury, and Ryan Kalish patrolling the Fenway Park outfield together in a few years?  I might be able to deal with that – if the two corners can hit 30+ homeruns a year.

John Sickels closed the book on his 2009 prospects book with a recap on his preseason Top 50 pitchers and Top 50 hitters.

Minor league baseball players have one of the coolest jobs in the world, but get a pretty raw deal financially.  Garrett Broshuis wonders if maybe affiliated team owners should help them out, perhaps by paying housing costs for players in their minor league systems.  He puts the cost at roughly $60,000 for a team of thirty players.  I’d be interested in hearing a response from teams as to the feasibility of Broshuis’s proposal.

The Minor Links

More good stuff about the world of minor league baseball. If you read something that belongs in The Minor Links, please do pass it along to

Raul Ibanez loves “The Office”?  I think I heart Raul Ibanez (The Hog Blog)

John Sickels breaks down the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers (Minor League Ball)

Nick Hill may be a darkhorse candidate to help out the Mariners bullpen within the next year or two (U.S.S. Mariner)

Rhett Barber must have broken a mirror during his senior year of high school; fortunately, his seven years of bad luck appear to be over and he is pitching well for the Alexandria Aces (The Town Talk)

“Sugar” is being released on DVD and Blu-Ray (Baseball Musings)

Marty Popham, a pitcher for the Cleveland Indians Short Season affiliate in Mahoning Valley, pitched seven no-hit innings on Wednesday before being pulled; Austin Adams gave up an infield single with two outs in the ninth to end the no-no (Indians Prospect Insider)

Cooper Brannan lost part of his left hand in Iraq about 3 1/2 years ago; he was just released by the Padres, then caught on with the American Defenders of New Hampshire (Nashua Telegraph)

The Minor Links

Jamie McOwen has the night off and I just added a few new minor league blogs to my reader, so you get a short links post.  Don’t everybody thank me at once.

The longest hitting streaks for each minor league (Baseball America)

Possible outcomes for the baseball-soccer showdown in Portland (Jack Bog’s Blog)

Dinesh is pitching well, but wants to see the team win a few more games (The Million Dollar Arm Blog)

Alex Liddi wants to be the first Italian major leaguer since 1962.  He’s currently leading the California League in all three Triple Crown categories – seems like a good start (

The Minor Links

You WILL send me your tips (…

Yankees minor leaguer Austin Jackson, who I believe is the number one positional prospect in their organization, has a bad back (

New Hampshire’s finest Bus Leaguers could be invading the majors in just a few days (The Union Leader)

Roger Clemens’ very presence brings peace and harmony to all those around him (FanHouse)

Getting hit by a foul ball at a baseball game is among my greatest fears (FanHouse)

Sickels poses a question: Maybin vs. McCutchen (Minor League Ball)

The Minor Links

Send  your tips to me at … or else! 

The deadline for teams to sign draft picks passed last week; three first round selections went unsigned (

Peter Abraham is a HUGE Carl Pavano fan (The LoHud Yankees Blog)

Clay Buchholz: not enjoying his finest season (Baseball Musings)

Major league club not playing well?  Checking out the minor league affiliates can be a nice pick-me-up (Brothers at Arms)

David Price: on his way, but not quite there (BBTF’s Notes in a Minor Key)

The Minor Links

Please send your story tips to me, OMDQ, at  As compensation, you will receive my undying love and affection.

Ian Kennedy wasn’t overly upset after a poor outing last week, an attitude that upset Yankees fans and management.  Oh, sweet irony (The LoHud Yankees Blog)

Something I’ve noticed about the minor leagues: oftentimes, great pitching performances don’t translate to wins (

Jeff Samardzija could be a useful jack-of-all-trades for the Cubs down the stretch (FanHouse)

Tim Beckham, still feeling his way as a professional (

Can Cal Ripken Jr. serve effectively as both a minor league owner and the Special Sports Envoy to the Department of State? (The Serious Tip)

The Minor Links

Send your tips to me, OMDQ, at, and you too can have a nice, shiny spot in the Minor Links.

It’s just a gut feeling, but I think Rocco Baldelli and his new beard are gonna do something big when he finally reenters the Tampa Bay lineup (

Minor League Baseball’s top homerun hitters for the month of July; Dallas McPherson is never gonna want to see New Mexico again after this season (Baseball America)

Can David Price follow in the footsteps of Joba Chamberlain? (Beyond the Box Score via Baseball Musings)

Hopefully the emails of United States olympians are just as boring as mine (BBTF Newsblog)

And you thought that impromptu games of Homerun Derby were the worst possible way to end a tie game; silly baseball fans! (Ump Bump)

You can almost HEAR Jordi giggling maniacally to himself while writing this (The Serious Tip)